Sunday, December 11, 2005

Your Yearly Numerology Organizer for 2006

Every year offers you a new vibration for your work or play.
According to the numerology system of rhythms, we humans
journey through cycles that are nine years in duration.
Each year you enter a new vibration pattern for the cycle you
are in. Knowing your major energy expression for a particular
year, you are more likely to govern your life more effectively.
You only need your Birthday Numbers you can play this game.

Combine the numbers of your month and day.

An example: Oct 25 – translates into 10 + 25, which adds up
to 35. Reduce this to a single digit and you get 8.

Now add up the number of the present year, 2006.
2006 adds up to 8.

So, 8 + 8 = 16 = 7. If Oct 25 were your actual birthday, your
number for 2006 would be 7. This would be your seventh year
in the nine-year cycle.


If this is a #1 year for you, you are beginning a whole new
cycle. Before launching into your new cycle, be sure no loose
ends are carried over from the previous nine-year cycle.

It may take all of January to rehearse what the previous nine
years have been for you. What major life lessons were you
grappling with and did you resolve those issues?

Next get a sense of what is before you to address in terms of
personal growth. What will you want to accomplish for yourself
in the next nine-year cycle? This is your year to focus on you.

These are big questions. Might mean a full year, this 1st year
of the nine years, devoted to this kind of self-examination.

Important to recognize the key features of your particular
nine-year cycle, which are based on the nine stages of life.
A person in her 20’s will be at a different stage of development
compared to one in her 30’s or 40’s…and so on.

If this is a #2 year for you, in terms of your major theme
for this nine-year cycle, you will do well to cultivate your
cooperative style. Arriving at a more balanced place with
yourself, and becoming more harmonious with your fellows
could be your major accomplishment for this year.

If this is a #3 year for you, then this is your year for making
big strides with your interactions with self and with others.
This means: become more creative, more flexible, more daring.
Don’t hang on to the tried and true mannerisms and ways that
have become ruts in your repertoire.

If this is a #4 year for you, then this year is best spent in stabilizing
and integrating the newly grasped accomplishments of the previous
three years. Get yourself ready for the big action coming up in the next
year. This can be viewed as your quiet period. Your friends might
wonder if you’ve buried yourself in a cave because you were so
expressive the year before. But in actuality you are establishing more
firmly the foundation from which you will be operating during the
remaining years of the cycle.

If this is a #5 year for you, then it’s the best year to be fully active
in your work or play. Your energy is high. This is a pivotal point as well.
You stand at the midpoint and can see where you have come from and
where you are going in terms of this cycle of personal growth. You can
clearly see how much you have improved your way of being. You are
ready to plunge into the world with your new sense of the inner
power that has made you more sturdy.

If this is a #6 year for you, now you are fully able to reach out and be
of service to others, more effectively than during the previous years of
this cycle. Your heart has matured to a more meaningful depth
of feeling. And you are able to bring your inner power to the fore and
apply it in all that you do, in your professional calling and in your personal relationships. And in the way you regard yourself as well.

If this is a #7 year for you, you find that your energy for learning new
things is quite high. You can afford to be more inquisitive than ever. You
feel as if you’ve returned to your school years, all there is to learn and
discover excites you. Wisdom will seem to be more accessible to you.

If this is a #8 year for you, then your leadership qualities want to have
expression. You are approaching the end of this cycle. You may be in your
30’s and have come to a better understanding of your power to lead.
Your urge to take charge of things will be ineluctable. You just know
what needs doing and how to get things moving. Obstacles are easily
and creatively dealt with. You can do what needs to be done with
sensitivity and with a caring heart.


If this is a #9 year for you, then you’ve reached a new level of wisdom. Your thoughts and actions reveal a beneficent heart. There’s a mellowness in your
Style and others take notice. They want to benefit from your insights and support.

You find yourself able to be more caring than ever. It’s been a good nine years.



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