Does God Really Exist?
Someone asked, “Does God really exist?”
This is my reply:
This is a mentally devised question. The mind tends to pose questions it has no business asking. Mind is a function designed to analyze and find solutions to external situations; not to ask philosophical questions. Mind is the executor for Heart’s desires. The Heart knows intuitively what is needed. Heart takes us to the seat of the Soul. Soul wishes the life to be complete, to experience and express joy – joy for all, to embrace the pleasure and fulfillment of connecting with Source.
When Mind asks, “Does God really exist?” it is playing games with itself. Mind already knows the answer will never be forthcoming. But the Heart never questions God’s existence; it already knows the answer.
As to knowing the nature of God’s reality, this requires long and deep introspection and contemplation. Meditation is a tool for training the Mind to become sufficiently quiet in order for News from an other level of consciousness to come forth. This other level is frequently referred to as “Higher Consciousness,” or “Inner Self,” which is deemed to be connected to “Universal Mind,” or “Absolute Intelligence.”
All of these designations point to that which cannot truly be discerned through words, particularly intellectual words, since they are an invention of Mind. So the whole issue comes full circle.
Nevertheless, God – whatever that may be – can be felt. Sit quietly and feel. Wait. By and by, you will feel something powerful moving through your being. Let this feeling take you on an inner journey. Allow yourself to follow where this experience takes you. You will be surprised to discover Truth that is very personal.